
  • Inflation 2022 – A Modern Day Greek Tragedy
    A Play in two Acts, produced by Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, guest star, the Federal Reserve
  • Hitchhiker’s Guide to Inflation: DON’T PANIC (Part 1)
    “It is said that despite its many glaring (and occasionally fatal) inaccuracies, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy itself has outsold the Encyclopedia Galactica because it is slightly cheaper, and because it has the words ‘DON’T PANIC’ in large, friendly letters on the cover.”
  • The Yellow Bitcoin Road to Nowhere
    Bitcoin is worth nothing. If I were Facebook or Twitter, I would single-handedly ban Bitcoin for the benefit of humankind. Sadly I can’t, so I had to write a long article instead.
  • Rich Dad, Poor Advice
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad – some terrible advice for 32 million people around the world
  • (Un)stable Assets
    With inflation expectations rising, we are seeing renewed interest in stable real (and virtual) assets. Unfortunately they are anything but.
  • “Tesla Is A Technology Company”
    Let me save you a 5 minutes of reading and potentially some sizable investment losses – it is not.

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