Why Think Inside the Box

The Mission

Finance and economics seem to occupy an outsized portion of our attention and even bigger part of the news cycles. It might be the aftermath of the 2008 financial crises or it might just be that fact that we are all Chief Financial Officers of tiny corporations – Myself Inc. – with our individual assets, and liabilities, and budget constraints and production capabilities. Regardless of the reason, journalists, CEOs, political leaders, social media influencers and everyday people seem to constantly try to find newer and better ways to “do” economics and finance. I for one know, from over a decade experience in financial institutions, that there is plenty to improve upon. However, to focus our attention at the right place, it is important to build from what we already know and not try to recreate the wheel, much less put on square wheels on our cart. Therefore, I invite you to explore what’s inside the box first.

What you will find

I will share with you what I have learned in my studies and work in some of the largest financial institutions in the US and Europe. I hope this site is first and foremost interesting to you. It is meant to be thought-provoking and entertaining, as much as it is educational. It might also come useful in managing your own finances, making business decisions or just having a better understanding of finance and economics. Some of these might seem complex but armed with a few simple ideas and basic intuition you will comfortably discuss and analyze a variety of topics, which previously seemed only the purview of “experts”.

Additional info

If you have topics that are of interest to you, and I am sure to many others, feel free to send me suggestions at: ivo.dimitrov@thinking-inside-the-box.net

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Credit for the title (and much of what I know), goes to one of my favorite economics professors, Kevin Murphy. He will forever be imprinted in my mind, exclaiming, after we failed to grasp one concept or another, with the typical enthusiasm he brought to every lecture: “Don’t think outside the box. Please stay in the box!”

Happy reading!

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